Another day...

Well, it's official! Our boys had their birthdays and we now have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. And pretty soon we are going to have a newborn too!
Currently the boys are having "nakie time," also known as any attempt to change their clothes that results in their running around the house screaming "NAKIE BOYS!" It reminds me of my mom's little dogs. When you take them out of the bath, the dogs run around the house trying their level best to dry themselves on the furniture and rub themselves dirty on the carpet. That's pretty much the image in my head every time they play "nakie boys." At least they wear themselves out.... Oh wait, they just get MORE hyper!
So there's not a lot going on with us lately. Well, other than the contractions I've been having for the past few months. And they aren't Braxton Hicks, either. My doctor says everything is fine, that I'm not dilating and that if I do go into labor at this point, they won't stop my labor since I'm 34 weeks now. So pretty much any time between now and mid-June these contractions might become the real thing. My doctor has me wearing a Prenatal Cradle, which though comfortable for the most part, is totally annoying. The straps come up really close to my neck so I have 1 or two shirts I can wear without the straps hanging completely out. I suppose it helps make the contractions less intense but doesn't really stop them.
Dylan and Joshua are getting so big! They are physically huge but intellectually, they aren't babies anymore (for the most part). Dylan is learning to read and doing an awesome job with it. For the other mamas out there, I REALLY recommend the Bob Books for reading. Dylan is the type of child who gets extremely upset when he can't do something all by himself, which is one of the many wonderful traits he gets from me, and he was refusing to learn to read even though I knew he was capable of it. The Bob books were awesome because he can read the entire book by himself and it's short enough to hold his attention, too. Joshua knows all his letters and the phonetic sounds they make. Everytime someone is impressed with this, I have to admit that I don't deserve the credit since he learned them from a DVD my aunt recommended called Talking Letter Factory by Leap Frog. The best thing about it- other than teaching them letters and phonics- is that it's not annoying like many other things they could be watching... and I'm talking about Yo Gabba Gabba and various other freaky and annoying shows.
Colin is doing well. He's so excited for the new baby. I honestly think he's so excited because he got to pick the baby's name (and no, we still aren't telling!) and I think it gives him a better connection with the baby. His work is still the same but he got an AWESOME review from the Casino Operations Director and they are making him the scheduler for all Casino Operations instead of just Table Games, in addition to the role he fills ordering the things that the casino needs like cards and signs for events and whatnot. So it's nice that they rely on him so heavily, making him indispensible. My favorite line from his review said something along the lines of how he makes it so that the management staff on the floor can be effective. how awesome is that? He also recently got a lot of recognition for having scheduled effectively enough that the labor cost budget came in about $50K less than anticipated for the year. That's my husband!
Anyway, I just wanted to update this before I start forgetting about it again. I know I haven't really updated my food blog lately either. I haven't really been cooking much with not feeling well late in the afternoon. You can check it out at B's Kitchen.
Hope everyone is well. Please let us know if you have any prayer needs so the children and I can be praying for you!

Here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately!

Dylan and Ava- This pretty much describes thier personalities!

Dylan's pinata

Store bought birthday cupcakes. What can I say? I was lazy this year!

Joshua using the broken binoculars

Dylan writing his name in sidewalk chalk. I know that it doesn't look like his name, but it is.

Dylan doing a Charlie Brown impression. I have like a million pictures of me as a little girl making this same pouty face. :/
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About the Skidmore Family

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Our small family includes Colin, Brandi, Dylan, Joshua, Peter and a new little girl due in July. We're a young family raising our children for Christ.