Baby Skidmore's Sonogram
We had our big sonogram today. They check the baby's organs, length, weight, gender, etc. Since I know it will be everyone's first question, IT'S A BOY! That's right, we are welcoming another little boy to our family! We are very excited. To answer the next question, no we don't have any names picked out. We are planning on leaving it be just like we did with Dylan Caden.
Based on the baby's measurements, he's measuring a little bigger than he should. Almost a week bigger. The ultrasound tech. suggested that we will probably be having another big boy. Currently, he's about 10.6 inches long halfway through the pregnancy.
We see our midwife again in about 2 weeks but everything looks good so far! He's starting to move around a lot more, esp. around 7 at night.
Here are the pictures:
This is the baby's profile to the right side of the photo and his abdomen to the left. You can see his spine along the bottom.
The red is the blood going out of the heart and the blue is the blood coming in.
And here's the proof that he's a boy. The arrow is pointing to his genitals.
I'm pretty sure this is the baby's face toward us. The hole looking thing is the ear, I believe.
Here are the baby's toes. They are the whitest area on the left side.
Here is the bottom of his foot.
I hope you all enjoy the photos!
Based on the baby's measurements, he's measuring a little bigger than he should. Almost a week bigger. The ultrasound tech. suggested that we will probably be having another big boy. Currently, he's about 10.6 inches long halfway through the pregnancy.
We see our midwife again in about 2 weeks but everything looks good so far! He's starting to move around a lot more, esp. around 7 at night.
Here are the pictures:
This is the baby's profile to the right side of the photo and his abdomen to the left. You can see his spine along the bottom.
The red is the blood going out of the heart and the blue is the blood coming in.
And here's the proof that he's a boy. The arrow is pointing to his genitals.
I'm pretty sure this is the baby's face toward us. The hole looking thing is the ear, I believe.
Here are the baby's toes. They are the whitest area on the left side.
Here is the bottom of his foot.
I hope you all enjoy the photos!
He is so adorable already!! And he looks big, even in the sonogram. You birth healthy boys! I love the one where his mouth is open, like he's laughing. :) I don't know how many times I'll say congratulations, but here's another one! What an exciting time, and what a blessing.
cute!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Yay! That's awesome! Thanks for describing the pictures so well. After 3 babies, it's pretty easy for me to tell what things are, but every time I'd show an ultrasound pic to people, I had to point and describe every picture. Anyway, he's so cute! Congratulations again.